The high-resolution temperature profiles are retrieved from the GOMOS night-time occultations (solar zenith angle larger than 105) using the FMI Scientific Processor (FSP v1.0). GOMOS (Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars) operated on board the Envisat satellite in 2002-2012. HRTP is retrieved using bi-chromatic stellar scintillation measurements by the GOMOS fast photometers. The retrieval method exploits the chromatic refraction in the Earth atmosphere. The bi-chromatic scintillations allow the determination of refractive angle, which is proportional to the time delay between the photometer signals. The HRTP profiles are retrieved with very good vertical resolution ~200 m and high accuracy ~1-3 K for altitudes 15-32 km and a global coverage. The details of the inversion algorithm can be found in (Sofieva et al., 2019). HRTP can be assimilated into atmospheric models, used in studies of stratospheric clouds, and in analysis of internal gravity waves activity.
The HRTP data are stored in netcdf-4 format, in yearly data files. For example, the file "HRTP-GOMOS_ENVISAT-FMI_FSP_v1_2002-fv0001.nc" contains the altitude-gridded data for 2002.
We kindly ask all data users to register by email to Viktoria Sofieva. New information regarding the data will be sent to the collected email addresses.
For more details:
- Sofieva, V. F., Dalaudier, F., Hauchecorne, A., and Kan, V.: High-resolution temperature profiles (HRTP) retrieved from bi-chromatic stellar scintillation measurements by GOMOS/Envisat, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 585-598, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-12-585-2019, 2019.
Contact: Viktoria Sofieva (viktoria.sofieva ( at ) fmi.fi)
Download the HRTP dataset (each file 100-500 MB):